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    Hey guys! Thanks for visiting my website. But before you start getting excited and view any of the products, i would like you to understand the PURPOSE of me setting this so called online "blogshop".

    1) My Goal/Objective - My Reach

    The purpose I set up this online "business" is because i want to reach out and help the Sports Community in Singapore. I reach out to sportsmen/sportswomen, especially those who cant afford or aren't willing to spend their hard earned cash to buy expensive branded sportswear. For example, students or school kids who are very active and have massive amounts of passion in sports. I want to give them the opportunity to own one and also feel great playing sports, like their other so called 'richer' counterparts. Compression gears are actually proven by science to enhance athletic performances and aid their recovery. Therefore, I feel these gears will help a long way for Singaporean athletes especially the young ones.

    2) "Profits"

    Honestly, I don't earn much at all. What I sell you is very very near cost price. In fact, its so near that the so called "profits" i earn will mostly go to transportation money from home to factory, factory to home, and home to place of meetup and... plus a bottle of green tea perhaps. Haha. Luckily thanks to Singtel, SMS free. Wheeeeeee!!!
    People ask me why i do this? dont you have a job? yes i have a full time job, but i do this because i have an endless passion for sports and a burning ember for helping the community. Chey! like real only...

    3) Sharing is caring

    I would greatly appreciate to those who share a common thought/philosophy to Spread My Vision around and SHARE them! Why sit there and just complain about our local talents not good enough? TOGETHER, we can slowly but surely dish out and stop foreign athletes from wearing our red and whites and help build a better sports community. TOGETHER, we can help our young become future professional international athletes! Majulah Singapura!

    Just to sum things up. Im just here to help. I hope you would help me too.

    Before you begin shopping, Like my Facebook Page!


    1. Sports in Singapore really needs some ppl to give a push like u. Though it maybe just a little effort, but things go accumulative and hopefully a difference will show up someday.

    2. Salute tu u bro... Last time ppl (Pro Cyclist) always laugh at me looked down on me saying dont waste my time wanna b a cyclist but i prove them wrong & nvr gave up till today. You give others hope n dream should b more ppl like u as we should not look down on ppl give self confident n motivation never give up.
